Monday, December 19, 2011

"Resolving to Renew a Return"

I've been thinking of late just how much I've missed writing.  Whether it's a simple entry or an hour-long disclosure of free-flowing emotions, it's an activity that carries me away from reality and into a world full of imagination and endless limits.  Having realized that my last blog entry was posted back in February (insert now a quick gasp and shameful shaking of the head), it has taken me nearly that long to even venture back to the site. Guilt.  I admit it.  Once I finally mustered up the courage to return I found it there waiting, staring back at me like a a dusty old book on the shelf that one day hopes to see its pages open once again.  
In addition to sharing in my own guilt, discussing the neglected blog with friends and coworkers only seems to add to the remorse.  Thus, I have decided to begin blogging on a routine basis as one of my New Year Resolutions for the upcoming year.  There shall be no excuses, and, as always, what I write about.  This is the one place where I have the freedom to be opinionated, subjective, and willfully crazy about any and everything.  So, here's to new resolutions and a fresh start in the coming year!