Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"The Flannel Ordeal"

The Backdrop:
It is now the middle of October, and while the gusty winds continue to roll in with transitional colors of the crunchy leaves slowly making their way to the ground, the temperatures have not proven to display the arrival of Autumn in the mid-Atlantic region of Virginia.  I know two months from now, as I'm sitting bundled up on the couch, mug in hand and a fleece blanket wrapped ever-so-tightly around my frozen body, I will wish the dog days of Summer would be present once more.  However, because it is October and because I, personally, feel it
faux pas to walk around in flip flops and tank tops without some sort of Fall accessory in hand, I am happy to report that the flannel has only made one appearance, thus far, in my household.  While I know it is an essential textile to keep warm on those chilly nights, I'm not so sure just how appealing it is on the bodies of men other than cowboy-riding, rodeo-rough-housin' male entities.  

"What's in a Name?"

As the great William Shakespeare once wrote, "What's in a name?  That which we call a rose;  By any other name would smell as sweet?," I dedicate the following post as my own interpretation of the well-known phrase, blog style, of course:

I am well certain that good ol' Shakespeare never intended for his simple and elegant poetry to ever contribute to the Carrie Bradshaw-influenced-and-over-eccentric world of style; but let's be honest, if the pun fits I'm using it, and as much as I'm seeing initialized, name-imprinted jewelry in today's trendy happenings, I can say I'm accurate when "borrowing" beautiful literature to describe a true foundational entity of Fashion.  To this day, I continue to stand firm in my belief that no matter how one wears or displays their sense of style, one's own name and initials will always surface to tell a story about that person, their heritage, their familial pride, and a natural identity.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Colours/505 of Fall"

  Recently I have been ravishing over Sara Bareilles' newest album, entitled "Kaleidoscope Heart", from which, without a doubt, this blog's title more than likely originated.  While I'm not too positive that my roommates enjoy it as much as I do, especially when I enter "repeat" mode and decide to play the entire album over and over again until I have perfected each lyric with precise accuracy, there is much to ponder in her sweet-sung words.  There is no rhyme or reason as to why I feel like a young girl again when I listen to her music, but something makes me want to spin around the room on my tippy toes with a energy and girlish-twirls.  In her title song, she reveals a short message about the sweet colors of life, perhaps also implying that the energies that derive within us do not merely encapsulate reddish hues from the heart, but more that they make up a person with colorful individuality and vigor.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


  Transition, by concrete and literal definition, means "a movement, passage or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc. to another."  While these descriptive words grasp a sound meaning on such a simple word, I realize that this word holds a deeper substance that is fairly applicable to our lives within any given moment.   No doubt, it is transition that spins the spokes of Life's ever-changing wheel of fate.  With every breath we take, every decision we make, every moment that passes within our lives, each and every one of us faces transition and change.  It is merely the choice of the individual as to whether or not he or she will accept the gift (or hardship) it bestows.  No matter where transition is experienced, it is always received, and it is something that will continue to be a part of all our lives until we take our last breaths on this earth.