Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"My Sound of Silence"

As I sit here now in my sound of silence I take a moment to pause- simply sit and breathe;
Today has given me many challenges, tasks, and frustration, this I can assuredly believe.
And while I cannot yet glimpse past the hazy mist of this barrier and mysterious wall,
There is only the drive, determination, and trust that one day we will all together stand tall.

With every ounce of effort my mission each day is to care, love, and heal
But some days no matter how hard one tries it's can be so hard to avidly deal.
The questions, the trials, the tests, the endless "what can it be" never seem to end,
And every moment that passes I watch, listen, and wait for a way I can actively mend.

The realness, the hardship, the tears- I never thought I'd see it in this age,
But it's here, it's now, and it's in our young ones.  It's their battling stage.

It's not always easy to bring home the struggles and sadness from the passing day,
Yet I know it's something that comes with this profession- no, I must selflessly relay.
There is nothing more powerful than reflection and peaceful silence in all my life,
And as long as I live there will always and forever be a still time to rid painful strife.

Give me strength, give me hope- let me pause, reflect, simply sit in my own sound of silence,
For our days are numbered one by one; and let no one ever show any other false pretense.
From our saddest moments and greatest frustrations a new light will one day shine through
And make the lives of those living around us bountiful and prosperous, awakened and anew.

Go forth and do good- make each day count with encouragement and action.
Know that even the smallest ounce of kindness and care are a commendable fraction.

-dedicated to my brave patients and their ever-endearing parents & loved ones-

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