Monday, November 22, 2010

"Project Turkey: Here's to a Most Successful Bountiful Goodness"

Mission accomplished!  After an encouraging mental kick in the butt and, yes, help from Brad (thank you!) I went onto "Veni, Vidi, Vici" that turkey and get it in the oven prepped and ready to go early Sunday morning.  I was not quite sure how to properly "stuff" it, but I thought, hmm, anything seasoned would taste fine, so in/on went an onion, rosemary, thyme, parsley, extra virgin olive oil (that would later attribute to a FAIL'ed gravy attempt), salt/pepper/oregano, carrots, and lots of chicken broth.  Oh, and did I mention that I honestly had no idea what a turkey baster was used for besides collegiate activities involving gin and buckets; I think I'm growing up... 

Every thirty minutes I would check in on my bird.  This would also call for me basting it, and I have to be honest, Brad and our friend Alex (who were spending the afternoon in the living room practicing physical therapy lab skills) enjoyed basting the turkey too (it's a catchy activity, not going to lie).  Finally, exactly six hours after I had put the turkey in the oven we took it out.  I have to say, that bird did not look as scary cooked to a crisp golden brown as it did in the raw.  Around 7:00, with everyone present we carved the turkey and gave some sweet thanks.  

So to recap...
Goal: A Cooked, Tender 22-lb Domesticated 1st-Class Turkey
Time frame: One week
Project Leader: Me
Project "Guinea Pigs": Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Attendees (AKA my amazing friends & family)
End Result: Unknown
Casualties: Minus my fat turkey, None (as of yet)

In conclusion... 
Goal: A Cooked, Tender 22-lb Domesticated 1st-Class Turkey
Time Frame: One week, one prep night, six hours to cook
Project Leader: Me
Project Participants/Supporters: Everyone
End Results:  SUCCESS!
Casualties: Minus my fat turkey, none (phew)

I could not have done this project without the help from my roommates, Nikki, my grandmother, and my mom.  Y'all withstood many nights of complaints and even a near-crying moment (Brad, I'm no longer afraid of the insides, I promise).  I'm not sure if I will do this turkey challenge Part II next year, since I will be honest and say it took a great deal of preparation, time, energy, and research.  However, the end results were perfect, and it tasted as good as it looked!  So, in conclusion, I guess the only thing that I can say is that I'm, well, thankful.  Thankful for my friends, family, and prepared turkeys from Boston Market for future thanksgiving meals.  Here's to a successful thanksgiving, and in the words of my father, I suggest that everyone partake in the following action with their loved ones this week, "Let's give some thanks for the good food, great meat, and now great God let's eat."


  1. Success!!! You are a braver woman than me... at least I know who to call when I am in tears and have 101 cooking questions next year... Love you! Wish I had been there to taste it. :)

  2. BEST TURKEY EVER. No, seriously, it rocked. You OWNED the turkey challenge - I am thankful to have been a guinea pig! :)
